Walsin Lihwa's selection of applicable disclosure topics from the SASB Materiality Map's 77 industries within 11 thematic sectors takes into account the Company's operations:

  • Sector

    Resource Transformation, Extractives & Minerals Processing

  • Industry

    Electrical & Electronic Equipment, Iron & Steel Producers

Electrical & Electronic Equipment

Topic Boundaries: Wire and Cable Business Unit (Yangmei Plant, Hsinchuang Plant, Dongguan Walsin, Shanghai Walsin)

Sustainability Disclosure Topics & Accounting Metrics

Energy Management

Hazardous Waste Management

Product Safety

Product Lifecycle Management

Materials Sourcing

Business Ethics

Activity Metrics

Activity Metrics

Note: The 2020 report disclosed the consolidated data of topic boundaries. The SASB industry standards were adopted in 2021 for disclosures at the plants suitable for the standards. Based on the attributes of products, the SASB standard applicable to Jiangyin Walsin (Steel Cable) was changed to the Iron & Steel Producers industry, and the data for 2020-2021 was updated retroactively. In 2023, operational adjustments were made at the Dongguan Walsin, with energy and waste not included in the above table.

Iron & Steel Producers

Topic Boundaries: Stainless Steel Business Unit Note ( Yenshui Plant, Taichung Plant, Yantai Walsin, Changshu Walsin, Jiangyin Walsin (Specialty Alloy Materials ), Walsin Precision, CAS )

Sustainability Disclosure Topics & Accounting Metrics

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Air Emissions

Energy Management

Water Management

Waste Management

Workforce Health & Safety

Supply Chain Management

Activity Metrics

Activity Metric

Note: The 2020 report disclosed the consolidated data of topic boundaries. The SASB industry standards were adopted in 2021 for disclosures at the plants suitable for the standards. Based on the attributes of products, the SASB standard applicable to Jiangyin Walsin (Steel Cable) was changed to the Iron & Steel Producers industry, and the data for 2020-2021 was updated retroactively. In 2023, additional information on CAS was added, and the data of workforce safety of Jiangyin Walsin (Steel Cable) were included in the table above. Errors in the data on Total energy consumed in 2022, total fuel consumption from 2020 to 2022 and raw steel production from electric arc furnace processes from 2021 to 2022 have been corrected.

Sustainability Indicators of Steel Industry Designated by the TWSE

From 2022, the company will voluntarily follow " the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Preparation and Filing of Sustainability Reports by TWSE Listed Companies " to disclosure the Sustainability Indicators of Steel Industry for the company's stainless steel business unit.

Topic Boundaries: Stainless steel business unit Note ( Yenshui Plant, Taichung Plant, Yantai Walsin, Changshu Walsin, Jiangyin Walsin (Specialty Alloy Materials ), Walsin Precision, CAS )

Energy Management

Water Management

Waste Management

Workforce Health & Safety

Activity Metric

Note: The total amount of self-generated and self-consumed energy is defined in Taiwan's " Renewable Energy Development Act ", " Implementation Regulations Governing Renewable Energy Certificates " or related sub-laws. In 2023, additional information on CAS was added, and the data of workforce safety of Jiangyin Walsin (Steel Cable) were included in the table above. Errors in the data on total fuel consumption from 2020 to 2022 and raw steel production from electric arc furnace processes from 2021 to 2022 have been corrected.