ISO 14064
ISO 14064-1:2018 certification granted to all plants in Mainland China
Implementation of 133 carbon reduction solutions in 2023 and reduction of 10,089.7 tonnes CO₂e
Water recycled at Taiwan plants
Non-hazardous waste recycling rate
1,054,868 kWh
Implementation of 4.9 MWp of solar power generation for grid-connected power generation
> NT$ 1.4 billion
NT$1,465,410,511 for environmental protection equipment and related expenses in 2023


Sustainability Achievements and Honors

Voluntary Reduction of Greenhouse Gases

An outstanding company for voluntary reduction of greenhouse gases

Green Building

The Tower 1 of Walsin Centro has achieved LEED Certification and WELL Core Gold

Green Factory

Yantai City's green factory rating awarded to Yantai Walsin Plant 2